Slow Boat Chase

ELUDE I the Doge’s men again, as my
ELFIN graced gondoliere bests pursuit? Or:
WRECK of my fortunes, capture, swift judgment,
CANAL then crossed sighing on bridge of sighs.

Captain Jack Minnow

PLANK I walk narrowly now for failed
SALSA heist upon seas of Spanish Main.
FRANK marineros give me odds of death, yet of a sternness I am
FORGEd. Captain Jack Minnow swims to the Isle of Tortuga, hands tied behind back.

In reverse

The meal was of immense VALUE,
but one look at the DEBIT
card made me feel LOUSY.
My wife, in her generous way, called me an inGRATE!

GRATE my bones and gnash my teeth,
DEBIT my flesh and graze my skin.
LOUSY with pain and an occasional flea,
I VALUE my life still, ‘spite a sword wound from kin.

Grate of Eternity

VALUEs, welter of choices for hearts to hold, some to
DEBIT–interior inclinations needing fine assay,
LOUSY judges we of questions of worth.
GRATE of eternity will admit unsplendid as treasure, catch what was prized as dross.