It’s all in the ear

CHUTE the messenger? Don’t.
SIEVE the messenger? Do.
ADAPT the messenger and take him into your family? You’d be
DITTY not to.

[Courtesy of a poet still struggling with the intricacies of English pronunciation.]

SHOOT the messenger? Don’t.
SAVE the messenger? Do.
ADOPT the messenger and take him into your family? You’d be
DOTTY not to.

[Courtesy of the poet explaining]

Junior Bird Men

DITTY singing (“Junior Bird Men, up in the air, upside down”), I tumble from the plane,
CHUTE opens, whistling weirdly. I look up:
SIEVE of a canopy! The thought occurs: when humans
ADAPT well, they require time plus iteration.

Ruin Preferred

OZONE above might heal, last joint act before we
NINJAed away collective deeds of grace, now re-
QUITEing every impulse of care with scorn. Darwin
AWARD more lustrous than common good, ruin preferred.

Pike Place

CROOKed the foreman finger for fish to fly,
THREW the crew their catch for crowd,
SUAVEly caught and given paper wrap,
BEGINs stray custom, winds up a tourist trap.