FLINTy Finn MacCool,
FLAILs his blistered hand, nurses wound, imbibes
HAZEL juice, is transformed, a Salomon among druids-stands out for wisdom like
RUMBA dancer at a minuet.

ludic verbosity for the win
FLINTy Finn MacCool,
FLAILs his blistered hand, nurses wound, imbibes
HAZEL juice, is transformed, a Salomon among druids-stands out for wisdom like
RUMBA dancer at a minuet.
FLINT-faced determination etched in
HAZEL eyes blurred by tears as the
FLAIL falls while soldiers dance a mocking
RUMBA to the rhythm of his agony.
See more at Notes by Steven.
He’d hardly
BEGUN to grow when he found himself fully-
GROWN. Time and tide waited not for this
UNCLE, the one who was considered the
SAFER relative, the one who never did any harm.
UNCLE Claudius knows not that I know.
BEGUN, with father’s ghost appearing: dread,
GROWN now, till no redemption path remains.
SAFER to be born a serf to serfs with no ambition.
UNCLE Claudius’ Scar had
BEGUN to throb every time the prince cub had
GROWN into a new regal robe. Plans were
SAFER when made and kept in the dark.
See more at Notes by Steven.
LARGE larch, back of the garden, seems to be
LEECHing sap, sadly. I don’t see it as tears, I
SHIRK the pseudo-simile. The leeching leaves a
MUDDY mess midst the searing scarlet tulips.
LARGE ants,
LEECH filled puddles,
MUDDY sidewalks: these can’t make me
SHIRK my quest. There’d better be Wi-Fi, though.
MUDDY, swampy waters hide dangers
LARGE and small;
LEECH and caiman lurk quietly,
SHIRK warnings and you’ll fall.
See more at Notes by Steven.