First fright

SNUCK into the movies, as a kid, only to see someone
SLAIN on screen. I
CLING to the nearest adult. Thankfully he’s more than
CIVIC about it.


CIVIC center, brutalist concrete slab.
SLAIN all attempt at grace or soaring flight,
CLING to what might have been, dream somehow you
SNUCK ornament or proportion into the design.

Child of the Times

PAGAN efflorescence: flesh, sub-gods, to which
FAITH, until yesterday a cohering hope, now mere accessory.
TIBIA, bearing load, yet below, blind to inky canvas self spell.
ROACH, scent rising, incense of current prayer, but as smoke knitting nothing together.

Dreams of Peacetime

PHASEs ripple back and forth as dream reality smoothes:
GRAND views of peaceful lands, raveled wars knit up, displaced by
WHIFF of everyday, wet leaves heaped on lawns. Appetites go benign: Say for
DONUT, something trivial to want that needs no ammunition.