Warthog Ambitions

WARTY hogs trot satisfied under the blazing sun.
SEVER their ambitions from jellyfish, who want to rule. Yes, warthogs think us
KNAVEs; they need no Wifi, they never posit nationalisms to mask their pain. Yet, their conception of
PUBIC good, which, could they pronounce the letter ‘L’ would sound so much better, is sunny and hoggy, each day a gift: They do not need to rule us.

Note: This masterwork of a poem is twinned with my other masterwork poem for a day earlier, the 2023/04/20 words: https://dailyquordlepoem.com/2023/04/22/the-day-of-the-bloom/ . What a difference between Jellyfish and Warthogs and how they they approach other species.

1 comment

  1. This is the line that makes it a masterwork, David:
    PUBIC good, which, could they pronounce the letter ā€˜Lā€™ would sound so much better,

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