A tale of two classes

You smudge a man’s name, threaten with EXILE,
and do it while turning the Law into FUDGE.
You howl at the thought that his thoughts should be SMART,
Your malevolence rising at his contrastive VOWEL.

Apparently a sketch by Robert Baden-Powell

Discovering the Dawn

COUNT Dracula, bored with dark of night, began to
DALLY with the thought of light. He woke to find the morn had broken. A
RARER action never heard. In fright he took to flight to
HALVE his chance of being seen, but seen he was, by one foul-spoken.    

Bella Lugosi – unknown photographer


GHOULish ghosts, not just in Hungary,
THINK, in the deep hours of the night, they’ve a point to make,
BLARE, gibber, grouse—yet unheard.
TOPIC?—materiality is not so cool—they’ll show it, once they lay hands on it.

Word Choice

GOODY! Linguistic intuition confirmed.
MURAL, a spark of beauty, now partially scraped off by a
LORRY, errant, dented, partially wrecked.
ERROR! This kind of damage is done by a TRUCK.

Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner…

I’m the kind of short-skirt, easy-going GHOUL
who has better things to do with my day than THINK-
in’ about politics, especially former PMs like Tony BLARE;
in fact, I’m brainy enough, in my own way, to discuss any other TOPIC!

Courtesy JaneArt, WikimediaCommons

The Pink Panther

CARATs count, yet less than the beholder’s gaze, the thief thinks as
TWANG! goes the crossbow, carrying cable to vitrine, much like the
FLAME of longing carries her heart to the diamond within.
‘THETA’, is what she calls what longing adds to the price. ‘Common sense’ is what the museum calls the silent alarm now going off.

A different pitch

BRIAR, poor lass, sang always with a voice
REEDY and sharp. The much-experienced organist,
BEING ready, as always, deftly, with one
SWEEP, transposed the accompaniment to a higher key.


HEFTY asteroid, say Everest sized—
GAZER has a few seconds to ponder,
SWOON, or startle, while new epoch descends,
DRAMA’s act closing, making way for what is next.