
CRAFT fair. Baubles without substance.
GAUDY trinkets, trifles, whatnots, and
PRISMs: imitation rainbows. I sneer,
SCORN the tinsel tawdry.     

Final Concert

GAUNT the aged pianist sat,
(SMELL of soap, once standard in all homes);
SHONE the sounds from fingers wracked, of
FLAILed keys fiercely struck.

The schemer

GRIND my baggage into my cabin and

HOARD all available space. Full steam

AHEAD, the Captain cries, leaving my

WOOER with egg on his face.          


I have this slow-steaming HUNCH

UNDER my barely streaming mind that I

OUGHT to get up and make something of

the day, but I’m prone to be INERT. 

Off the record


GHOUL-friend’s a bit of an alternative

ALBUM, she’s a long-playing record looping

LOOPY when the blunted needle hits a

STUMP in the track…and jumps.     

And he begat…

BEGAT’s a word full-full of life, a

SEIZE-the-day squeezing word, a sharp-in-your-face

GEESE-pecking kind of word, rising-from-the-pit

MINER, black-sooted, grin-shining, the-work-is-over sort of word.

New day

SPARK of dawn reveals the
DROSS of dew over the grass. I
CHOKE at the thought that the day will be
SUNNY: death met my friend yesterday.


‘He’s a
GONER, you can tell by the crack in his
SKULL, the slit in his throat, and the
TYING of his neck to the ceiling. Want to make a proper

My first attempt today was a GONER.
Violent, and a nasty piece to come out of my SKULL.
Plainly my imagination needs an AUDIT,
Fingers need control when I’m TYING (er, typing).