
‘CIRCA’ turned up a week ago, so it
STINGs and gives me trauma to use it yet again. My
BELLY, in fact, has churned, like there’s a full-scale
DRAMA in the innards down below.


SPOUT forth a much too-friendly
HELLO, a far too-friendly nine
CARAT gold sort of hello, a bland
ADOBE baked brick kind of hello.


GRACE, until then an enthusiastic amateur, began earning
DOUGH for doing what she’d always loved: playing
SPORT. The tedium of endless travelling, training and timekeeping,
CIRCA 2020, soon took the edge of her enthusiasm.


STEIN (Rick Stein the chef, not the drink) came in for a
REFIT. Seems a bit of his aging anatomy – a
JOINT – had gone awry. No wonder he was
TESTY. Wait! Did he mean a joint he’d cooked?

Flat flatting

ULTRA crisp, clean white
SHIRT – or so I dreamt. I
AWOKE to one wet, unironed – had to
VAUNT sleeping cat, snoring dog, last night’s empties, three packs of crackers, only to find the flatmate had ‘borrowed’ the iron last week.


FRITZ is not a common name to
UTTER, but the one-syllable zip of it is
LIGHT to the tongue, giving an extra tingle to the

Angled pasta

PENNE is “an extruded type of pasta” best eaten in a
GLADE. It has “cylinder-shaped pieces,” which, with a
CRICK of the fork, you can flick hither and yon in a
MANLY way. “Their ends are cut at an angle.”