
STINT at nothing, bugler, as you blow that
BUGLE. Drive with vigour and with
RIGOUR a fine-honed, sharp-boned
WEDGE through the enemy’s heart.

Bugler at sunset


DEMON, randomly appearing, looked
SOOTY. I gave him a clean white
SCARF I’d recently worn as an
EMCEE to wipe his Hellish face.


VIVID is the picture of how late I’m going to be; the
IDLER on my ancient car is playing up – I know it wants to
TEASE me. No mechanic, I scratch my head, then
BELCH! Good old girl! The car is betterer again.

First fright

SNUCK into the movies, as a kid, only to see someone
SLAIN on screen. I
CLING to the nearest adult. Thankfully he’s more than
CIVIC about it.

Twice shy

AGENT offers me a no-
FRILLS contract. Feel
BLEAK, suspect something
SNAKY about this deal.

Words should have been: AGENT BLEAT FRILL SNAKY (!) – hence the following second attempt:

How can I experience the FRILL
Of the circus? Here comes A GENT
To make my hair rise and my voice BLEAT:
‘Learn to pronounce “thrill” first, you flaky-SNAKY!’


LARGE skunk drunk on the lawn under the
SLANTED tree trunk
STUNK!’ ‘Well, you junk-head hunk of a
NINNY, what would you expect? Has your punk brain shrunk?’


EXACTly how you can say one
GLEAM of the sun’s ray
TODAY counts as a sunny day. It’s
BILGE, your brain has gone astray.


LUCKY you only have to
EMBED some words in a Quordle poem once, as spitting
LLAMA, arrogant, stiff-necked, makes a poor bedfellow for
OTTER, supple and smooth, swift and flitting.

[Turns out the first word should have been MUCKY. I need new glasses.]


BOAST not, big-headed
CHAMP. The sporting life is short.
AMEND your ways, for crazy days will turn to
GRAVY, sooner than you thought.