Art vs Sport

ARTS? Y? Why do you want me to do arts?
LEAN To me, son, and I’ll tell you.
AMEN Dad, now I’ve listened to your wisdom, it
UNDID all my former thoughts on baseball.

What I need

For whom the BELLE
tolls; sorry SHAKY
spelling – I need a PSALM
at my life STAGE.

‘BELLE’ reappears after only a few days, like a
PSALM long known that often comes to mind. In this
SHAKY time, three funerals in one week, I need
STAGE posts in the dusk to carefully tread to. 


CLOSE to the swing doors leading to the
SERVEry, I’m favoured with frequent
AROMAS from the kitchen, and waitresses passing. ‘Hey
FILLY!’ a bumptious customer calls. And is ignored.


STILTS my head was tottering on;
CAPER my soul did, at an awkward
ANGLE, the night I saw the staid pastor,
CIGAR in mouth, smoking in a manner untoward.

Missing C

BILLY, that pleb, stands sole without a C today, while
ULCER, RACER, MINCE hoity-toity sit in C array.
RACER, ULCER, MINCE say C is here to stay, else
MINE, RA-ER, UL-ER, says Bill, will be all they say.


LOWLY member of the medical corps
SWORE loudly when an officer called him
CHAFF and ordered him to scarper for the
PAPER, that truly, he only wanted on a whim.

Here doesn’t come the bride

POUNDing out the miles/kilometres, I hit a
CLUMP in the road, bump both knees more than a bit and need a
WINCH to pick me up and place me in the ambulance. Now, instead of walking down the
AISLE I’ll be in a state of somnambulance.