Connecticut Yankee Yearns for a Cigar

RIVETs on the armored wagon finished, he flips up the welding
VISOR. He wants a cigar. War gear he can fashion. But tobacco?
CEASEless forging of weaponry needs iron and fire, stable across much time: war is always
AFOOT. But plants a continent over? More than smithing is involved.

Note: I was behind a day. Now I want to re-read

Skulls on the Ocean Floor

SKULLs of prior explorers lay on the ice for years, until a big melt.
POLAR magnetism with a difference, draw of being first to the pole.
SPREE of explorers, claims counter-claims, deaths, and now skulls of
THOSE who perished, nestled on the ocean floor.

Note: Amundsen (below) made it back from his Polar expeditions. The poem is not about him.

Picture of Roald Amundsen wearing fur for polar conditions.
Roald Amundsen

The Long View

OUNCE of prevention–leave now, he thought, with immediate spike of
WHINEing–surely, I can linger a bit, where’s the harm. Then he contemplated a de-
FROCKing. That gave resolve and he walked away. Always
POSIT the presence of short term appetites. The long view needs effort.

Turbo. Bah.

TURBO’s fifth appearance in DQP, more than any other word so far.
WHOLE is the enigma of randomness. Of all the words, on all the days in DQP,
LIGHTly turbo trips in over on threshold again. Why not some beauty? Why not depth?
SPRIG, perhaps, redolent of green shoots and spring returning. Why engines?


WHOSE domain is predation upon fellow human may posit self
SUPER or über, so Nietzsche. Yet let that fearsome fish perform its function, the
SHARK–as for Humans sharking, they are not sharks, but Schurken, villains in a
FABLE about erring in species and thus erring in all that matters.

Note: one etymology for shark is that comes from a Dutch/German word for predatory villain, “Schurke” in German.


GODLY, it seems, has something to do with fads like
MOTORs or batteries. Virtue is perhaps the invention of a stronger
EPOXY. Heroes tale is of the entrepreneur who made it big.
HEART? Why mention heart?


CHOIRs with orchestras and festive music are what
TUBAL-cain had in mind, inventing bronze instruments. Instead,
SCOURing earth, humankind mined, forged weapons of attack and
PARRY. Yet, on occasion, a battle horn would be used at night to sound the note of rest.

Note: Cf. Gen 4:22 “Zillah also bore Tubal-cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron”. Sometimes, scripture can be frustratingly laconic. I would love to know more about Tubal-cain.

The Stealing of the Quark

ALIBI: the things’s too small to steal.
REACH the last guard post, swipe past,
ACRID fear that he’ll be searched. But then: through!
QUARK spins quarkily, nestled in his pocket, or one galaxy away, or both.

The Fragility of Libraries

MOISTure brings rot as though time were digesting the books.
BRANDs of fire transform in a night’s evil work: knowledge and beauty now ash.
FAITH must master despair to face the battle against entropy.
ADMINinistration channeling hope as measures to guard and preserve.