In A Trough

READY for a night’s merriment, I let the
REVUE wash over me, realizing no simple jests would buoy low spirits. Stuck
BELOW, in a trough entertainment cannot reach. I cannot
HASTEn a deeper remedy–how to make something count? Sooner lift myself out by my hair.

The Face of Justice

AWAIT that justice on the far shore of mercy, you
DROVEs hungering for payment of the now.
MORAL pane, shattered, is the dark glass of the now, but
REEDY, bruised reeds, hoping, will see the face of justice.

To Wrest Treasure

AWOKE I and pondered my blurring run of days,
THESE each fleeting by and I cannot quite grab them. Life
LEASE will expire. Most mornings I open my eyes, speak a
DITTO, go through a sameness. How to wrest treasure from it all?

Forge Prayers

COUCHed pragmatically in his craft, a smith, donning
APRON, cannot foresee whether cauldron will produce
BROTH for a feast or a mage’s ravening potions. A
TITHE of thoughts while striking are prayers for beneficent uses.

A Habit of Blame

FAULT so often dead ends with weary keeping of accounts.
ADAGE might say that grace begins where blame ends.
SOOTH so spoken seems right enough, yet there is the matter of
HABIT, ingrained need to name the villain of the piece, to be its hero.

To Taste Goodness

WRING from life the marrow, wrest its joys, seek its every
SCRAP of beauty. Face down agonies. If you are blessed, perhaps a
THIRD of your days may meet expectations, if reduced. Better to be
NOBLE with so little won, so little to claim, and yet to have tasted goodness.

To Beth

BISON-mascot of the high school where my wife teaches. Can’t
BOTCH this DQP poem now. This one goes out to Beth, who
ABHORs the moment with the checked out, lax, student; yet for her, the golden moment always
GLINTs: the connection where you get through and spark something for a student, able to receive.

Unwelcome Guest

KNEEL at the grate. Peer in. Rear back.
COBRA right there, nestled in the ducts of an ocean
LINER. Can he get it out without passengers noticing? To
DEBUG how this happened is a task for later.