A Bed for Poppies

CRYPT. Cool marble, dim light. Over the threshold, I see a bright
POPPY field, not hushed, not inward, just alive.
POISEd between the two I know that
FLESH is as grass, and grass fades. But first, grass is a green bed for poppies.

Don’t Stop Now

SHEER cliff descended, pre-positioned kayak retrieved: paddle for it.
DRIER moments soon envied, each breath stokes hope of freedom.
ROWER, sore muscled, with blistered hands, feels he can
CINCH it. Just a few more miles across the bay, before the sun comes up, before alarms sound.

Hollow Cheeks

STIFF upper lips, unsmiling team-what’s left of it-gathered.
PHOTO shows frostbite and hollow cheeks. Still:
DATUM is finally established-until the ice melts.
FRISK them now, you’ll not find a scrap of food, perhaps some scribbled prayers.


CRANK thinks backstory gives him Übermensch victim status, like
JOKER or Bane. Plots heist to make his name. His villain prop:
LASSO. In the event, it snags on a lamp post and hauls him to curb,
TOOTH chipped, getaway foiled, jewels rolling in the street.

Maybe Today

BUSHY beard, long nails, dark bags under eyes,
WORRY consumed, walls closer now, hope is slender.
PATIO? Should I go out into the sun? And if so,
SHAVE first? Take a step?

Worshipper of Mars

REEDY voiced Patton, inextricably both martinet and maverick,
VOICE high, swearing a streak, because warriors swear,
CURVE of gleaming helmet liner, ivory pistol grips, blending with
START of battle in feral drive, never letting up, hard charging worshipper of Mars.

Decal of a Fish

VOCAL about truth, yet quick to slander,
PRESS bias decrying, even so partial only to one’s tribe,
GUSTO for a past estate, exactly none for present day.
DECAL of a fish on the car, opaque cipher, meaning less and less.

They Blink

PLANK in my eye, yet
SHONE as disgraced to me the
ARTSY fakers, the influencers, the sham
CLICK mongers, blinking with their grains of sand.

Dragon’s Breath

TAPER flickering in the night air,
MOODY Welsh farmer goes out to check on
CHILI tree. Dragon’s Breath is gathering strength.
SWILL milk all you want, there will be no defusing it.


The scientists believe that if you tried to actually eat this chili, your airways would likely close up from the burn and you’d go into anaphylactic shock and die. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a force for good, not evil.