Two Births

BASIN of myrrh for Pharaoh’s child,
BAWDY celebration of succession.
REEDY hiding place, by contrast: a basket.
VIGIL from the bank, every breath the celebration here.


TABBY thinks herself goddess of the apartment,
SIXTY strides through all the rooms,
NORTH wall cool in summer,
NERVES of all must be tempered, she does not like a fuss.

Note: a day late (these were the 12/29 words), due to a diverting little winter cold or flu.

Known Unknowns

PRISM in natural philosopher’s study casts spectrum,
GAUDY bauble to some, yet to reason’s probing, revelation.
CRAFT of thinking builds on known, ventures farther, unknots tangled mysteries.
SCORN for philosopher or priest will arise in time, harder unknowns left behind, assumed as understood.

Wonders All

TORUS, form from geometers dream,
VIPER, slithers by, calls for caution,
VALVE, engineered to govern flow,
VAUNT shape! Vaunt creature! Vaunt invention! Wonders all.

Night Attack

FLAILing against dark bodies, a moment whose dreams will leave me panic-
GAUNT. One moment asleep, the next fighting the unseen.
SMELL the skirmishers, yes, but ours or theirs?
SHONE the light next morning: a third of my brothers missing at roll.

The Great Taboo

HYENAs—cynics, rather, circle laughing over power’s triumph,
HOVER beyond light’s edge, waiting for weakening hope to perish.
AMEND preying ways? Never! Yet, a mighty one descends to break
TABOO: power laid down can overcome the scoffing strong.

Joy to the World

PUPAL, Chrysalis state rather, now fulfilled by humble birth.
UNDUE any restraint–all is transformed, and exaltation owed.
FUGUE had run to dissonance, now toward harmony begins to mend.
GRAPH, a sign, a Word, truth and grace made flesh today.

Noble Gas

INERT or noble gas, so-called for aloof sufficiency.
HUNCH: the Greeks or Buddhists affected naming.
OUGHT non-connection, non-involvement be deemed noble?
UNDER suffering’s duress, monads beckon serenely—serene as the void.