CARAT-heavy, glint of polished facet.
ADOBE clicked, image saved with sexy palette,
HELLO you dupes, prepare to yearn,
SPOUT we fancies to your id’s unquiet churn.
Author: David Wright
Scout Misplaced
STEED lathered, riding toward the battle.
CLASH sounds up ahead through the trees,
SCOUT, I, when the din kicked up, watching
INLET where we thought they’d arrive. How misjudged.
LEAKY cauldron, mumbled spell,
DRAIN the marrow, sound the knell.
MUCKY broth, bitter, ugly
WHISK and churn, while it’s bubbly.
Dough Re Mi
DOUGH! A deer, a female deer,
SPORTs, gambols, frolics, cavorts about,
GRACE charged. Should join multiple
CIRCA. Would be star of all the shows.
Refit Needed
JOINTs stiff, I ponder what might constitute personal
REFIT, how to find a new me, not just pipe dream when
TESTY with life, but real change, to beat peering into
STEIN looking for what is never there.
Mood Prison
SHIRTy, angry, up the night, late to bed,
AWOKE I late as well, frail and dull,
JAUNTy for five minutes, then guise crumples to fatigue.
ULTRA, how to be, when any mood is the lord of me?
Acorn Bides Its Time
CHECK breathless absorption in the now,
ACORN takes hold, bears no fruit for 30 years,
NERDY attention compasses such a span, believes
ROUND of time enough to plant an oak perhaps.
Will Eyes Reopen
UTTER most
LIGHT blazing to eyes, last
FRITZ of spent
AORTA: will these eyes open in a new creation?
Centaur Chef
CRICK right through, greensward either side.
PENNE being cooked by centaur for dryad audience,
MANLY creature, healer, yet shy before no art, thus
GLADE becomes unlikeliest stage for reality food show.
Unexpected Inquisition Requisition
CHAIR, plush, untortuous.
MAUVE, or red, but oh so comfy!
ABBOT would like it back, please,
STILTed way of saying: unexpected inquisition requisition.