
WORST, kinda German for sausage, and sausage attempt at German word,
NUTTY, ok in a cheese, worrisome in family or friends,
REACT, antonym: proact–not a word, should have proacted against,
SNIPE, bird in a marsh, telescopic bill, camouflaged. Avian sniper!?

The Latest Craze

TREND: a social contagion, perhaps benign.
A MAZE of novelty: participate? Hold out?
SAUCE sizzling with choices. Hop on, hop in!
THINK: what’s the next fidget spinner?

At the Hippodrome

BROAD sweep of turn now straightens, as hyper focused riders
BRACE upon the lathering horses: now the final stretch.
HIPPOdrome crowd holds its breath, transfixed.
GOOEY ice cream cones melting in streaks onto clutched fists.

A Murder on the Block

COUNT the shots-5?-call 911,
BUGGY world leaks its broken numbness,
LOAMY earth soon to fall on Marcel, murdered neighbor I never met.
CLOSE the book, Lord, chapters getting darker. Bring the new city. Soon.

Note: this happened last night. I did not know Marcel. He was shot to death 50 yards from where we slept.

Usurper has the City

USURPer has the city, rear guard flees hilltop via
GORGE under night’s protection. By dawn some will be far enough,
HAVEN reachable for the uninjured.
CANAL full of bodies a grim memory they carry with them.

What Now

STALK fulfillment’s dream down dusty
TRACK, winding into hollow canyons.
GAUZE of leaden sky above as I try to find myself–then
CHAFE when I do, yet nothing has changed.

A Beauty Never Seen

PURSE for us both, if through Bialowieza forest you
GUIDE me, winding past oaks into deepest glade dwelling of the one
DAISY, Bellis perennis aurea, which blooms with golden
FLAIR, but only ever for plundering hearts, immune to its beauty.

Crony Vision

CRONY vision: spoils for me and mine,
CLEAN hands are hands I call clean.
REGAL is what a king can seize and grasp,
HASTY minds speak of truth: suckers.