Ruin Preferred

OZONE above might heal, last joint act before we
NINJAed away collective deeds of grace, now re-
QUITEing every impulse of care with scorn. Darwin
AWARD more lustrous than common good, ruin preferred.

Pike Place

CROOKed the foreman finger for fish to fly,
THREW the crew their catch for crowd,
SUAVEly caught and given paper wrap,
BEGINs stray custom, winds up a tourist trap.

No Refuge, Nor a Friend

CROOK rifled chest to steal every last doubloon
THREW my parchment and my quills in the lagoon
SUAVE he posed with charm yet executed only harm
BEGIN he now and reckon to the end, he’ll find no refuge nor a friend.

Fudge and the Wealth of Nations

MOTORing ships course tropics seeking freight, say,
GUAVA; commerce’s electrons dancing in their orbits,
BEGIN, yet never cease, tracing complex traffic of goods, inspiration, expiration of the globe.
FUDGE, mere cottage crop, also turns the gears of trade.

Gone in a flash

SULLY we always quotidian joys with grasping?
INGOT discovery proclaimed, converse ceased:
DINER emptied, food grown cold and flavor dead,
TRICE-moment’s flash of profit, now steady habits of living are forgotten.

Nylons in Wartime

NYLON, cretaceous soup remixed as fiber,
SHELF space for stockings diverted in wartime to parachutes,
VIRAL demand thus launched by rarity, a valuation from which none would
BUDGE, as, say, Romans were fixated on ivory combs.