AMONG the hills a bluff stands mightily,
HALVEd by an echoing
GULCH where downpours find their
OUTGO, roaring past water-worn walls that readily fall silent when the sun and river’s run have had their say.
Author: Sharlyn Guthrie
BASIL’s wife is somewhat
PLUMP and he is quite a
TEASE. She answers
DRYLY his remarks, avenging
them with ease.
Gazer Gets the Taser
GAZER stunned by taser made
GAUDY dancer’s
Thorough Scrub
SIGHTing fingerprints of ink and
OXIDE stains around the sink
NANNY scrubs ‘til all smells
PINEY, then scrubs the slippery tot who’s whiny.
It’s Getting Rowdy
PRANK stank; he drew a blank.
PRICE was thrice what should suffice!
HONEY Bunny gambled his money.
POUTY, shouty- it’s getting rowdy!
On the Verge
SHORT summary of my encounter with
TRIPE: As an honored guest I tried to be
STOIC- I did! Politely partook. Turned green. Expressed gratitude. Left abruptly…right on the
VERGE of vomiting.
Eroded Strength
STATE of things as of late:
ERODEd strength, loaded head;
WACKY senses- feeling of dread.
TASTY? No. Pasty? Yes. A weary, walking CoVid mess!
Newly a Citizen
NEWLY a citizen; no longer a sojourner!
BRINE-laced tears beaded, then fell.
PUPILs expanded, entertaining with
UTTER gratitude how her grim journey had begun and just how far she’d come.
PLUCK the strings, musician chewing a
BETEL nut to your rhythm. Much like a
WALTZ your dancers sway, flow like the
CLOTHs of chiffon they wave- telling tales unlike the schism that brought you all here so far from whence you came.
Retry with Kindness
GLEAM and gloat if you must. Your
SNIDE remarks were
BLUNT, bruising- like a hammer. Now
RETRY with kindness. It cuts like a knife to the bane, the brute- curing blindness.