Feb 24
No contact form
I did not announce this, but a long time back, I disabled the contact form, because of spam. You should have the site admin’s email address and can use it if you need to get my attention. It’s the first word of our domain name, all one word, no spaces, followed by ‘@’ and ‘gmail ‘dot’ ‘com’.
Jan 23
Like buttons
We’ve added like buttons to posts and comments. Let us know what you think. You can comment here, if you’d like.
Jan 23
Notifications via email now available
- If you go to the comments on a post (you can click through to comments by clicking on the comment count under the post!), you can now subscribe to be notified of all new posts via an email address.
- You can also subscribe to be notified of all comments for that particular post
- There will be unubscribe links in the emails you get, so it’s really easy to turn back off.
- It looks like this: look for the checkboxes below the comment box, at the bottom of the image below:

Jan 23
Comment count now visible on front page
On the main page, under each post, the comment count for each post is now listed. Here’s an example of what this looks like:

If you click through on the comment count link–“0 comments”, above–it brings you to the single post page, where you can either see the comments (may need to scroll down) and interact, if there are comment, or enter the first comment, if you’d like.
Dec 22
If your Quordle poem has extra features
such as, for example:
- images
- links
- explanatory notes
- videos
then you can also categorize your poem with the category “extra”. This way people can find it and look for those extra features. Here all the posts categorized as having extra:
Dec 22
New site theme and news section
DQP has been updated to the “Twenty Twenty-One” WP theme. This does a much better job of formatting the footer of the site (what you see when scroll down to the bottom). FYI, we have a code of conduct, privacy policy, contact form, and about page available in the footer, as well as search box, and category listing and archive by date, along with some other listings.
Also, as of this right here (what you are reading right now), we have a regular news section that you can check in on for updates about the site.