SPINY back stiffens, shaky legs straighten,
WALTZ across fields of Illinois tonight, Hammond
ORGAN ruffling the blanket of summer air.
ALONE, but the memories fill the land.
Tag: ohthatwright-fav
Herla’s Hunt
BUGLE note draws Herla’s Hunt to assemble,
ASHEN faeries in ranks that will not rhyme,
TRAITS opaque, they ever signify to tremble:
AMISS we all now, unmoored of standard time.
Station 10.5
TEETH falling out in jumbled dream,
HOTEL bed vessel rides bone ache and fever,
SIGMA, sum of all the ragged, mis-linked thoughts,
VIDEO blaring–will find remote if he comes out the other side.
History, Hovel of Reason
QUIRK of philosophy to elide coordinates and story. For instance:
GOINGs of angels on a ladder in known place while a man dreams one known night.
HINGE turns in specific time and space, in history,
HOVEL of reason, yet destination of divine descent.
Dry Witted Steed
LUNCH: thermos full of bisque, and hunk of cheese.
HORSE gets carrots and a bag of oats.
STYLE? Who cares on a summer day?—“Oh he cares”,
COYLY speaks the horse, as I splutter out the bisque.
Deeper Currents
AMPLE vices extant in the duchy to keep busy
PRUDEs in motion, compiling lists and anecdotes,
CANONs of behavior formed in voicing glaring faults.
DUCHY’s deeper currents, and hearts of prudes, stay less illumined.
Ramen Days
RAMEN days, eking by, not feeling it. Then
STAID life, yards, mortgages, or wishes for such.
WOODY ambition can arise to hike among trees, go camping, be simple. Most days, though, you
BASTE, cook in your own need for richer flavors, bar for contentment rising.
A Place in the Story
UTILE, to get away, sit by fireplaces’s
DYING embers, recount your own story to yourself: vast, you a small player in it, yet
ENDOWed with role and place among the characters. Why
SULLY with grasping dreams or diminish by whispered “too small”?
Twist in Perception
TWIST in perception: this dust, this grime, this
TWICE over diminished, fractured, unlovely seeming life holds
CARGO of eternity to emerge as treasure, however
RATTY these present digs in a back alley of time.
The Man with the Straw Hat
TRAIN platform stifles under air’s hot blanket,
LINEN suited man fans face with hat’s straw brim.
BURST of noise as engine arrives and brakes. Now
SWEEPs down from carriage a girl, runs and jumps into his arms shouting Grandpa! into the perfect day.