FLAILing against dark bodies, a moment whose dreams will leave me panic-
GAUNT. One moment asleep, the next fighting the unseen.
SMELL the skirmishers, yes, but ours or theirs?
SHONE the light next morning: a third of my brothers missing at roll.
Month: December 2022
Last Day of School
FLAIL your limbs, young men and yapping labs! Race uphill and
SMELL – Lap up sweet scents of fescue and freesia.
GAUNT-cheeked no longer by rigid recitation, but again
SHONE the freedom of happy abandon.
Curious Glory
FLAIL falls for the thirty-ninth time on the
GAUNT, bloody Man’s back. The
SMELL of gore and sweat stings the eyes, but He
SHONE with glory somehow anyway.
2022-12-26 words
Wooin’ ain’t easy
AHEAD of the curve this week, hitting the
GRIND hard, gotta save up a fair
HOARD for date night:
WOOER ain’t an easy gig.
The schemer
GRIND my baggage into my cabin and
HOARD all available space. Full steam
AHEAD, the Captain cries, leaving my
WOOER with egg on his face.
Pitching Woo
AHEAD might lie defeat or tedium’s drawn-out
GRIND. Yet errant knight will not
HOARD his store of galant charm:
WOOER pitches mandatory woo.
Alliterative Silliness
WOOER of words, whose wonder and whimsy
GRIND gritty graceless granite into glorious gilded gloss and
HOARD hyperbatons and homophones to hail halcyon histories with humorous harangues,
AHEAD of his age, amusing the masses, elevating all our affections
Grind Before Glory
HOARD of wealth and glory
AHEAD, yet an agonizing
GRIND comes first. The soul’s
WOOER beckons us onward.
2022-12-25 words