Cruelty and Anger

CRUEL words, a given of life, but uneasy input to a poem.
LIVID comes next, adding to oppressive sense. Cruelty and anger,
SPIED at remove, or experienced up close, or inflicted,
BLEND into malaise. Where is peace, where joy, who can establish them?

Note: still behind a day.

Embattled Warrior

My VISOR has lost a RIVET –
CEASE your warfare till I’m AFOOT again.
It’s CRUEL to attack when my blood BLENDs
with the LIVID scars you’ve SPIED from previous battles.


CRUEL season when we were all


SPIED out their nauseous social media declarations, toxic

BLEND of self righteousness, scorn, and fear.

Connecticut Yankee Yearns for a Cigar

RIVETs on the armored wagon finished, he flips up the welding
VISOR. He wants a cigar. War gear he can fashion. But tobacco?
CEASEless forging of weaponry needs iron and fire, stable across much time: war is always
AFOOT. But plants a continent over? More than smithing is involved.

Note: I was behind a day. Now I want to re-read


I could never get past the third or fourth of COVEY’s
seven habits. After my mind and psyche were AWASH
with all the highly effective people’S TALK,
I, being highly ineffective, had to take a BREAK.