2023-05-19 words


Note: due to a clerical type mistake, the word TRIAL above was originally posted at TRIBAL (which affected at least some DQP poems!).

Bravo for Grace

SKIMP stones across the pond and bridge will fall,
GLEAN skulls from graveyard and heads will grin,
PAYEE on life’s checks will be forgotten, checks will moulder,
BRAVO for any grace that counters entropy.

Ruth’s DQP

BRAVO! says the field owner as I
GLEAN the wheat near the fence. As
PAYEE of his gift I don’t want to
SKIMP on picking up every last grain.

Boaz meets Ruth at the barley harvest – Hollstein


COLONoscopy had left battered young
HARRY in a perfectly precarious state, like a
LARVA who’d bumpily broken out of his cocoon by
SHEAR will and determination, and a misspelling of his process.   

Oy, Such Words

HARRY me with words for DQP such as
COLON? Tis like Delilah’s
SHEARs: My imagination’s strength fails me, not even
LARVAL now, no longer dreaming of a future of flight.