
SPILL-way to the Styx—the awaiting shades have held
VIGIL of years, expecting tyrant’s soul,
BLIND as he to the day. Yet, it will arrive, his splash down as they
RAISE the customary jeer, the welcome to eternal non-importance.


HA! UTE stuck in gutter, like knife in butter, my
TALONs sharp and bitter, my brain a nutter, so
WEEDY is my frame, I have to name as
SNAKY all with fame, denigrate their clutter.          

Envy – Justus de Corte
National Museum in Kraków


FLOWN are all my muse’s musings; I
SALVE my sadness with a sigh, and
WATCH the blank page turning blanker;
GRAPHic nothing strikes my eye.


TRAIT: super-speed, so fast he dodges rain-drops, the
FLASH! In the movie, there’s a rain of babies to the
PLAZA below. He saves them all! How? Speed and glucose.
STORK? Now a total Flash fan, her labors not in vain.

Dumbing down

When a friend called some church choruses VAPID
People in the congregation would get RATTY. They’d
DRAPE their minds in a movement rapid, though
FRAIL pale words and music will drive one batty.  


GRAVY boat and silver ewer,
COUCH upholstered in mulberry silk,
GUARD dog’s pedigree fit for peer of realm,
SLATE of the terrace lacks only for happy feet.

Lord Peter

SPURN lesser comforts, he does, donning
MOCHA leather gloves, adjusting the monocle, brief
LAUGH to let you in on the joke, even as his
OMEGA watch ticks unironic time.

Splendid Forever

TRACK yourself by goods, by fame, by glory?
PRICE is steep. You weren’t made for goods, for fame, for glory.
LUPUS, death, the wolf, howling at night on your trail, will
WRING from you your treasure. Seek what is splendid forever.

Note: I did some catching up for this week. (I altered dates so that they look like they came out on the expected day, only because it helps me track which days I’ve done and it helps me with the linkage to prior day’s Quordle words–I do this, but it’s just “bookkeeping” to help me–it’s not an expected practice, Quordle poems can be published as late as anyone wants.).