The Trekkie

HORDE of stylish teens, then there’s
LOSER me in my JC Penny clearance rack getup and a
GUSTO for Star Trek trivia,
PRONE to wax eloquent on Kirk vs. Picard greatness comparisons.


LOWLY sponge hasn’t left his
CORAL reef all his life, eating
PLANKton, thinking about one exhilarating night when
AMISSissippi River catfish turned up.


HAZEL eyes widen in surprise to
REACT to news hard to believe when I
SPOKE about taking more time off, to
CHART more family trips, less project management.

Brazilian Steak

BRICK fire pit becomes grill,
TIGHT with cuts I’ve never heard of before,
SHOWY display of gluttonous indulgence.
ARDOR of meat and conversation lovers sets the scene.