Due or undue? that is the question

UNDUE bills don’t bother me, don’t make me
PALER than before. I snap my fingers at them,
QUELL not my heart, and take no notice of their
GUISE as bills that truly quell, empale, because they’re due.           


TIGHT as the night is black,
SHOWY as a flowery border,
BRICK-thick as Oamaru stone, is
ARDOR without order.         

Photo: Willem van Valkenburg
Building in the old quarter of Oamaru, NZ, where Oamaru stone buildings abound.


I don’t know if you’ve heard the BLURT
of a skittering, flittering, twiddling QUAIL,
amongst the sifting shifting SHAPE
of its quail flock. Well, the sound my mind it kind of STUNG.


BIRTH, some decades ago, unheralded, dismissed,
EVADEd history books, almanacs and the like, brought no
GUILT to anyone, no disaster, or distress, no
QUOTH the priest, ‘This child is destined for great things.’

No recycling

AS KEW was to some the garden of perfection
BOOZE was my place of circumspection; me, the
PAYEE of drink’s full garbage collection, refuse none could


ANNOY me at your peril. I’m your legally
ELECTed representative. No matter how
STALE my policies, or my views, my
TURBO-charged charisma will see me through.

Love your enemy

CHAFE at unfair treatment from the world’s biggest
CHEAT. I’d like to see him dropped into the world’s biggest
GULLY! Except that, as a believer in the
RISEN Christ, it’s better to heap coals on his head instead!  

[If I had another line, I might have added ‘LOL’…


BEGAN my longed-for meal, set alfresco, when
BELCHED around me, a vast intense excited
CROWD spreading cockroach-like across the pristine
GRASS. I stood, appalled, thought, ‘I have to
LEAVE, and leave my food here, or be overrun.’ A
MEALY-mouthed louse of a man pointed at my meal. ‘I
REUSE food scraps, convert them into art. I’ve been
SHOWN in galleries worldwide. Hence the crowd of fans.’