The CRYPTic crossword’s clues, enigmatic in form, too intricate for a DUNCE like me who thinks he has to reinvent the WHEEL at every turn, proved uncomplicated for my NOBLE friend, who showed me where my cement brain went wrong.
[This form of the Quordle poem is known as the Bumped Beginning and Hanging Stump style…]
My Pinot Noir is the very central PIVOT of my evening slurp in my penthouse CONDO, when I cease to chomp poetry and MUNCH on the less tooth-wrenching pizza of PROSE.
With a BRISK flick of the string tied round my TOOTH it comes sailing out, goes off SLOSH into the bushes, causing me to SKULK around in the dirt trying to find it again.
I TEASE our long, sleek, sleepy TABBY with the excess of creeping STYLE learned from long years of sneaking up on her. I SCALD my hand with the newly-made coffee when she reacts.
[I can’t keep up with the continual quartets of words – they keep on coming in spite of my best efforts..!]
CROSS is how I’d describe myself, looking at the apartment: STAINs down the walls that haven’t come from any natural process; TATTY wallpaper – last time I checked it was intact – and the MOULT of some unfortunate bird left to die in a stinking cage.
Around the time Jesus was born, those mothers who had given BIRTH to boys of a similar age, saw their precious darlings SLAIN by Herod, the supposed Great, a man jealous of power, but not hot on ETHICs; when it comes to power, corruption seeps in, and makes all vile men ALIKE.
[So graphic was the original painting that many of the slaughtered children were painted over in the early 17th century so that they appear as bundles, or food on the ground, or even animals. The alterations have been left in subsequent cleanings since they are now regarded as ‘historically significant,’ though they reduce the impact of the original considerably. Notes from the Royal Collection Trust.]
I BLUSH that we, as humans, easily accept the WHINE, the relentless head-drilling drone that SCOURs our ears of Nature’s sounds as here we wait on the frigid East Wind-facing hELIDEck.