Doesn’t Have the Same Ring

“KNAVE” branded upon his reputation like Hawthorne’s letters, but when one’s preeminent

SKILL is theft, it’s hard to escape the conclusion–just or otherwise. His marks create and propagate the

NEEDY, so his mission is to restore balance. Lady Justice holds a pair of scales, after all. Perhaps

GLOVE, rather than Hood, would be a more fitting moniker…

See more at Notes by Steven.


AROMA slinks around like someone escaping a crowded room, but the
DRIVE to capture possesses everyone exposed to it, even the
FIFTH or sixth passerby each minute cannot resist the exhaust from YEAST working its way through the dough.

See more at Notes by Steven.

George and Gracie

VINYL nor digital can convey the haunting, melancholy beauty coursing through the ocean currents, shivering from face to

FLUKE, reaching out through the orca-orbits for the comfort of companionship, mournful melodies

TAKEN from the sunless depths to the drums’ rhythm set by percussive breaches at the surface.

QUELL your un-wonder in the salty waters where gentle giants mesmerize with their massive, yet gentle, majesty.

See more at Notes by Steven.