Fudge and the Wealth of Nations

MOTORing ships course tropics seeking freight, say,
GUAVA; commerce’s electrons dancing in their orbits,
BEGIN, yet never cease, tracing complex traffic of goods, inspiration, expiration of the globe.
FUDGE, mere cottage crop, also turns the gears of trade.

Muddy Roads


GUAVA trees overhead, the road like
FUDGE beneath and now around the tires so that you
BEGIN to despair that the
MOTOR will remain untouched.


GUAVA is sweet and tantalizing, but so is
FUDGE. Different tastes cultivate over time until one
BEGINs to take over as the
MOTOR of your cravings.

See more at Notes by Steven.

Station 10.5

TEETH falling out in jumbled dream,
HOTEL bed vessel rides bone ache and fever,
SIGMA, sum of all the ragged, mis-linked thoughts,
VIDEO blaring–will find remote if he comes out the other side.