Inward Bound

TRUSS issues started when that bridge collapsed,
MAGMA makes me feel no safer, nor do these heights,
LLAMA seems unafraid, so I pretend to lead it by
STRAP. Note to self: next time, do Inward Bound.

Composite Chordophone

SLING me a definition, Wikipedia.
MAYBE had you been there, not an Encyclopedia Americana 1955,
CHILD I was could have rested, curiosity sated.
BANJO: composite chordophone sounded by plectrum.

Encyclopedia Americana set in book case.
Encyclopedia Americana

Last card

LIPID ain’t limpid, like your limpid eyes, my dear.
TULIP ain’t two lips, though you have two, it’s clear.
MUCUS ain’t music, though your words are music to my ears. But.
SPADEs is trumps, so it’s clear, hear this in your ears, I win again, my dear.

Spring or Chemistry

SPADE a foot rest, gaze lingers,
TULIPs spirited hues announce fresh life. For the gardener
LIPIDs, enzymes, and explanation give ground before senses flaring lovely to the mind.
MUCUS? Not cell product, rather first tickle of this year’s sneezes.