TITHE, just a tithe, of the
MANGY, battered envelopes with demands to
REMIT payment forthwith spread like
SUMAC rash across sensitive skin.
See more at Notes by Steven.
ludic verbosity for the win
TITHE, just a tithe, of the
MANGY, battered envelopes with demands to
REMIT payment forthwith spread like
SUMAC rash across sensitive skin.
See more at Notes by Steven.
SONAR from a swooping, silent
MIDGE sees a sure bet in my
FURRY skin, sets a scheme to
WRACK my sweet and simple, serene somnambulance.
MIDGE impacts and bites like
SONAR pings, leaving the skin a
WRACK and ruin, wishing for a
FURRY layer of protection.
See more at Notes by Steven.
MIDGE, you bitey speck from planet’s teeming fauna,
WRACKing larger peers, by stealth of smallness taking nips.
SONAR pings–you sucker, now meet your terminal bite:
FURRY, blind phantom of the night bats it wings, is on your six.
APNEA autonomically belies body’s control,
TITAN, self-styled, can’t decree away,
NINNY, (is that you, Titan?), can’t knit up the raveled sleeve when he’s subject.
GAUNT we all, under circumstance, health and numbered days finally outside our grasp.
GAUNT shepherd dutifully counts his sheep, no
NINNY or sluggard is this mountain’s
TITAN, but lately he’s had
APNEA like No Man.
See more at Notes by Steven.
BASTE the ramen? The
RAMEN, don’t baste. The taste is
STAID and woody. That
WOODY taste is such a waste.