All about me

ARENA crowd is screaming, ‘Go for the try!’ As
BEFITs the self-centred inside centre, he says, Just a
JIFFY, I’m in control of this ball. I’ll kick it into
TOUCH.’ The crowd groans – a sustained, despondent sound.

A day at the office

CIVIL servants, en masse, in a rage,
ENTER the pothole-minded politician’s office,
IRATE at his effect on their combined
LIVERs, that feeling of bile swirling
ROUND. They settle, bitter, before the
TEPID MP, a lukewarm bath of a man,
TRULY a man who eclipses all the
USUAL machinations of the average legislator.                

Kayaking in the jungle

Getting the ZEBRA to stand in the
KAYAK was the easy part, which
HENCE proves that making him sit and
paddle, this side, that side, was the WORST.

[No image is available of this feat]


DEBUT performance before the crowd is something I have
HOARDed from the moment of its final curtain. Of course it’s
SILLY to willy-nilly class that moment above all others, to keep UPPERmost a moment the hordes have certainly forgotten.