SIGMA, sign of sums
SHALT be employed on
SPREE of building, shaping.
EAGLE cares not, soars and sees.
When all was new
YOUTH: that long expanse. I’d give many
PENCE to recollect those thoughts. Some periods were a
CRAZE, a tumble to the next obsession. Regular
LUNAR tides of passion made me think life would always seem new.
A Sailor’s Life
BEZEL lets a glint of starlight fall on compass.
MEALY food awaits after his watch, and then
SLUNG deep in the airless hold, a bad night’s sleep.
FREER on land he muses, though once the sea seemed wild and free.
The old man looks on…
CRAZEd and painted young people raising Cain at the
LUNAR eclipse; why Cain, long dead, needs raising by
YOUTH as a zombie is anybody’s guess; in their defence
maybe most of their brains are short of a few PENCE?

On the Train
APPLE munching traveler gazes on passing lands,
TRAIN window could almost be a portal. The gothic
ABBEY, quickly passed, weaves its
SPELL: what if the tracks went back in time?
Up in Smoke
PERCH of hiding child in a tree, watching
FIEND set the house alight, fiend whom the neighborhood then
THREW a fete, and whom they struck a
MEDAL. Some villages celebrate their crimes.
Mottled meaning
MEDAL stuck firmly in place over my heart, I
THREW a delightfully witty bon mot at my mate. The
FIEND, he threw another back and nearly knocked me off my PERCH!
The Good Life
SCOOP of sherbet first, then go repose,
RELAX, settle back in hammock.
LAYER on the good life! Smile a smile of
TEETH whiter than when you were born. Wealth! Looks! Leisure!
The joys of retirement in old age
Out my from mouth go the false TEETH,
into my my bedroom I waltz, SCOOP
up my body into my bed and
LAYER the sheet, duvet, above me, feet unto snout, RELAX.

An Adventure
SMELT the snake in the cave more than saw,
VENOM? Wouldn’t know. Snake’s enough for fear.
SMALLness of me, one bite and they’ll find my bones here. A
CHECK on adventure: when real, the stakes are high.