SINCE Eden, we’ve a disposition to
USURP what is not ours;
RADIO merely changed the scale,
SWORN thieves of our attention now beaming into living rooms.
Month: March 2023
Ides of March
USURP the usurper, conspirators!
RADIO silence until the time comes.
SINCE we have no other ambition,
SWORN are we to crimson deeds.
2023-03-15 words
SATIN dress of resplendent sheen on slippery dance floor. A
CRASH – he’s let her slip from his grasp. Shock? Horror? No,
SMIRKs from some, or sneers – no love lost here from rivals;
SCOFFs and jeers from dumb-minded dolls in cotton frocks.

Tucker Out
SATIN smooth, you seize the seat of
SCOFFers, urge your camp in honied tones to
CRASH and plunder, to mint contempt as money.
SMIRK on; comes the end, soul is forfeit,
and nothing owned.
Modern-Day Mephistopheles
SATIN-smooth promises that
SCOFF at the possibility of deceit, then
SMIRK as the inevitable
CRASH leaves debris for miles and years.
See more at Notes by Steven.
2023-03-14 words
The Master
CHOCK full of loopy maxims, my mind erodes.
LOOPY as I am, I still gather groupies.
MAXIMS I offer, the groupies grab them, and my words
ERODE their naïve, untutored, lacking-in-history minds.
Epistemic Erosion
CHOCK full of gems was old Immanuel Kant,
MAXIM of our deeds: what we ourselves would want.
LOOPY that one against moral chicanery
ERODEd faith in our mental machinery.
CHOCK full of nonsensical aphorisms, adages, and
MAXIMs, Terry drove people crazy with
LOOPY wisdom like “The early bird catches the football” and
“ERODE to nowhere is better than erode to Baltimore.”