Ear Worm

DITTY stuck in my head, like a
BARGE, moving but not seeming to.
CANON says such songs must be bad, but
GOLLY, I like it despite myself.


COAST is still, first stillness of centuries,
AWOKE an older day, diesel gone, ebbed away,
CLOTH sails unfurled are now for trade.
ANNEX past to present, rig masts and harness wind!

The Library of Alexandria

FILTH litters the halls and courtyards, all
TRACE of its former glory gone.
STONY faced librarians, not jobless, finger the odd
FOLIO that managed to escape consumption.

[This one inspired by the most recent Rest is History episode.]


STIFF hairbrush braises my scalp –
QUOTH my mother, as of yore:
‘MUCKY little beast, clean up, or I’ll drive a
WEDGE between your hair and your brain.’

The Axe of Divine Will

STIFF bulrushes keep crocs out; basket nestler will soon speak, a
QUOTHer of the quothiest words: fiats, ilocutions from on high.
MUCKY Nile a strange place for this story to start, but election is a
WEDGE, the axe of divine will splitting into a groaning world.