
BLAST from car’s bass rattles my

SKULL. Kids these days.

VAUNT the good old days when youth paid

LIEGE to their elders, like I did. Oh wait…

Not dissimilar

‘ALIKE as two peas in a pod,’ as she dons her
APRON, readying herself to peel the boxes of
FRUIT, staring at me and my daughters from
UNDER eyelashes soft and long. ‘Them eyes.’

Lament of the old soldier

BREED your sons to be cast in the role of
CADET in whatever warfare service is your
CREED. Let them stand as men and
RIPEN. Pray the fruit won’t fail to seed.      

Turbo Needs To Go

ANNOY me no more! I shall
ELECT a new word in your place, less
STALE, less ubiquitious, less you,

Note: of all the words to have the highest frequency in DQP, turbo ought not be it: 6 times as of yesterday.


ANNOY me at your peril. I’m your legally
ELECTed representative. No matter how
STALE my policies, or my views, my
TURBO-charged charisma will see me through.