
ATOLL, stranded chef paces. He’d rather be making
SAUCE. Instead he must
BROOK matters existential. How long can he last? When rescuers arrive, can he yet
CRAWL toward them. Will food ever be a luxury again?


CRAWL comes up on Google when I search for Crowl,
A TOLL I have to pay for having a name so close.
I could express outrage and say I’ll BROOK
no further misalignment. But I don’t have the SAUCE.


ANNOY me with your influencer vibes, why don’t you?
FLUSH with cash from targeted ads, I see you there sprawling on that
ISLET with the yacht in the background and the champagne in the foreground,
AWAKE with the knowledge that you, truly, are influencing.TM


Boy, am I ANNOYed
that every time I FLUSH
the toilet it becomes an isolated ISLET
amidst a vast and smelly sea – until I AWAKE.

[The quality of my writing has gone downhill since I’ve been on holiday.]